
Dolphin Discovery Club Fall 2024

Frequently Asked Questions

Welcome to the Dolphin Discovery Club website.  Please see the FAQs below for information about the program. On the second tab you will find a list of all DDC enrichment classes offered this fall.  By clicking on the class title, you will open a page with each class’s details.

What is the Dolphin Discovery Club?

The Dolphin Discovery Club (DDC) is a fee-based, afterschool enrichment program organized by Friends of Short Avenue (FoSA) for the benefit of the Short Avenue community.  


Does my child have to participate in the DDC?

No. DDC is a completely optional program.


Who provides the DDC enrichment classes?

FoSA is working with vendors and Short Avenue teachers and staff to provide the DDC enrichment classes.  All vendors are registered with LAUSD, which requires background checks and insurance as well as other requirements.  This fall FoSA is working with Got Game, Chess Wizards and ReDiscover. Additionally, Ms. Hohman, Ms. Marina, Ms. Lowry and Ms. Jacqueline are also offering classes this fall.  


Where do I register for the DDC?

FoSA has licensed this new platform Jumbula to assist with a smooth registration process. You can create a family account by clicking on the Sign In/Sign Up button in the upper right corner of this website. Prior to registration opening, you should create a family account to help make registration more efficient. Once you create your family account, click on the upper right corner again and choose Account Settings.  From here, you can add your child(ren) to your profile and add a payment method.  

Once your family account is created, you will be ready to select and pay for DDC classes after registration opens on Saturday, August 24th at 9am. To see the class options, click the second tab titled "Class Options" at the top of the page.  You can review the class details by clicking on a class name prior to registration opening.  Once registration opens, the Express Register button will allow you to add classes to your cart. 


When can I register for the DDC?

For the Fall 2024 season, registration begins on Saturday, August 24th at 9:00am. Prior to registration, please create a family account on the DDC Jumbula website by clicking the Sign In/Sign Up button in the upper right corner of the website.


Can I register for more than one class?

Yes, you can register for more than one class.


Do I have to pay for all the classes at the time of registration?

You can select a monthly payment option that allows you to pay for the classes in three installments (i.e., at the time of registration, October 1st, and November 1st).


Can I use a credit with one of the DDC vendors to pay for an enrichment class?

No. Unfortunately, it is not possible at this time to apply credits from the vendors to payments for DDC enrichment classes. Please consult with the vendor to discuss applying the credit to a future enrollment outside of DDC.  For example, Got Game has camps every day that LAUSD has off, and the Got Game credits can be applied to those camps. 


How are classes filled?

Registration is on a first-come basis. The registration website will show when there are fewer than 5 spots left in each class.  


What if a class is full?

If a class is full, you can add your child’s name to a waitlist.  If a space becomes available, you will be notified.  


What if a class is not full at the time registration closes?

The classes that have openings after the registration period closes will be publicized and the registration will remain open until either all spots are taken or mid-September, whichever happens first. Typically, Short Avenue enrichment classes have filled up quickly in past semesters.     


How many sessions are there for each DDC class?

It depends on the day of the week and the LAUSD school calendar.  For the fall season, DDC classes meet between 11 and 13 times. Please note that for DDC classes held in the library, they will not meet during the week of November 18th due to the book fair that week.  You can see the specific dates each class meets on the class description page, and the library classes have a calendar reminder note about the week of November 18th.   


How does my child get to their DDC class?

Teachers will have a roster for all children participating in the DDC. Teachers will remind students of their DDC class and location. For children in grades 2 – 5, they will independently go to the location for their DDC class.  For children in grades TK-1, an onsite coordinator will assist in getting children from their homeroom to the DDC class.  


Where do I pick up my child after their DDC class?

It depends.  For children taking a class in the auditorium, parents/caregivers should pick them up outside the front of the auditorium at the end of the class.  For all other classes, parents/caregivers should pick them up at the Short Avenue Gate at the end of the DDC class.  


Do I need my ID to pick up my child?


Yes. Until the providers know you, please bring your ID to pick up your child.


Who do I contact if I need to pick up my child early from a DDC enrichment class?

Please contact the vendor or teacher that is providing the enrichment class.  You will receive a communication from the vendor with contact information after registration.  


If a class is canceled, how and when will I be notified?

A class may be canceled if an instructor is sick or if there is inclement weather. If this were to happen, you will be notified through an email by either the vendor or FoSA.


Will there by any makeup classes for a canceled session?

One make-up class may be scheduled per enrichment class the week of December 9th depending on instructor and space availability.  If a make-up is scheduled, you will be notified by email. 

If there are multiple sessions canceled, only one makeup class may be scheduled given the school calendar for winter break.  


Can I receive a makeup class if my child is sick or absent?

No. There will be no individual makeup classes scheduled.


Why can’t there be more classes to accommodate more students?

Due to space limitations on campus, we can only host the amount of the classes that we have a space for them to meet. After school spaces are shared by the aftercare programs, Prime Time, Beyond the Bell and All Stars, and DDC. This fall we have increased the number of classes by identifying additional outdoor spaces for classes to meet.  FoSA and the administration are trying to identify ways to grow the DDC offerings despite the physical constraints on campus. 


Who do I contact if I have another question about the Dolphin Discovery Club?

Please send an email to [email protected].


Who do I contact if I have a question about a particular class?

Please contact the vendor that is providing the specific class you have a question about:


Who do I contact if I have an idea for an enrichment class?

For a vendor to be considered for scheduling, the vendor must be an approved vendor through LAUSD. Please see the LAUSD procurement website for resources on this process - New Procurement Contract and Administration / PCAB Vendor Services (

Once a vendor is registered with LAUSD, you can contact FoSA’s Enrichment Director Julie Paluch at [email protected] to discuss scheduling for DDC’s spring 2025 season.  


I am passionate about enrichment activities for the children at Short Avenue.  Can I help organize the spring 2025 season?

YES!  If you are interested in volunteering with the DDC, please send an email to [email protected].